STEP2IT Calendar
(It may be helpful to view the calendar on mobile devices using landscape mode.)
Remember: Any day on the calendar that you see that is EMPTY is actually AVAILABLE for you to book. This is because we offer an OPEN scheduling system. The only days that you cannot book are those that say "Full", "Vacation"or “Holiday”.
DFW Center Closure
ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the unprecedented Events of 2020, STEP2IT is Transitioning ALL programs Exclusively into “ONLINE” formats. The DFW Center is now closed for all “Live Center” Courses and services. The DFW office is open only to serve as our Online Classroom studio and for administrative purposes.
The STEP2IT Live USMLE Step 2 CS Prep Course And COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE CourseS have been permanently discontinued.
There are no changes to our Residency Interview COURSE. registration is open, Please inquire about availability.
Please refer to our pricing page in order to understand the different types of class options that are mentioned above.
Please refer to our registration page in order to find out how to register for specific class dates/times.