Please click on the questions below in order to view the answers
+Q1: "Is there a exam prep course available that is less than 18hrs in total duration?"
A1: *Sorry, the course curriculum requirement is set for a minimum of 18hrs. The program is already administered in an accelerated form so there's simply not enough time to cover the required curriculum in less time. It's against our principles to provide you a service half-heartedly. Our reputation rests on following through with our responsibility of making sure that each and every student receives thorough preparation. We aim to send our students out as "exam ready" and nothing less.
+Q2: "Can I use an app like FaceTime or WhatsApp in order to access the STEP2IT Live Online Class session?"
A2: *FaceTime and WhatsApp are very popular video-call platforms for basic communication on mobile devices. Our advanced audio and video hardware as well as ourprofessional equipment is not compatible with those platforms. The main two platforms that we use with our Live Online Classroom Studio are Zoom or Skype. Apps are available for download with many devices. If you cannot use one of these platforms, please contact us and we will find a way to use an alternative solution.
+Q3: "Does STEP2IT provide any books videos or other supplements?"
A3: *STEP2IT does not provide stand-alone books, videos or supplements. If you need any recommendations, please email us and we would be glad to provide you information. Please click here for information about our affiliates in the Clinical Skills Education Network.
+Q4: "This is not my first attempt for the exam. I don't know where I went wrong. I don't know where to begin. What should I do?"
A4: *You're not alone. Statistics show that around 4500 Step 2 CS examinees do NOT pass this exam every year! That is quite an eye-opening number. Rest assured that you are in the right place. Around 50-60% of our students have had prior attempts. We have plenty of experience in this area. As a matter of fact, you can call us "specialists" in just such situations. And that personalized approach is precisely what STEP2IT offers.
The most common thing we hear from students with prior attempts is: "I don't know where I went wrong. The SPs seemed to like me! I did everything the way I've always done it in the real clinic! I felt good walking out of the exam, I was pretty confident that I'd pass. What more could they want?" Walking in and out of the exam with confidence; then suddenly realizing on results day that the tables have turned will shake up anyone's sense of confidence the next time around. You deserve answers.
If you've recently received your exam results and have been experiencing disappointment, just know that we're here for you. You may have been looking forward to celebrating your victory but instead, you've been hit with a wave of helpless shock and disbelief. Nobody likes the word "failure". What you need to do is eliminate it from our vocabulary now. In time we hope that you'll begin to view this experience as a "temporary setback". Transform this setback into a useful experience that'll help you gain insight into yourself and make you a stronger residency candidate. We aim to promote this program as a safe haven for all USMLE students; a place to share and to be understood by your own colleagues. A place to discuss any real-life issues you're facing that affects your performance potential. Think of us as a "life coach" that relates to your situation. We're here to motivate, encourage you and lend support. Keep in mind that the longer you wait, the harder it gets to get back up. The best time to start is NOW while your mind is still fresh. Strike while the pan is hot. Stay positive, there is hope.
The first thing we'd like to do is analyze your score report. We try to see what we can learn from the last attempt. And that's it. No more ruminating on the past. What's done is done. It's time to move forward.
We aim to pinpoint your weak areas so that you can clearly see for yourself the areas that you need to improve. The reason that you don't know where you went wrong on your previous attempt simply because you didn't understand "right" from "wrong". You weren't picking up on all the little details as much as you had realized. You weren't gleaning the maximum points that were available within the full 25 minutes that are allotted for each case. In our course you'll understand that it's simply not just about the SPs "liking you". That's just one part of the equation. And it's not just about doing what you have done in real-life clinically or what looks good to you in your eyes. There's more to it. Once a student's understanding comes all together we inevitably hear "I wish I took this course the first time around!" We concur!
Unlike other courses, you will be surprised to learn that this course is NOT just about showing you how to walk and how to talk in order to pass this exam. A major focus is also to address is YOUR own personal mental state and attitude towards the exam. Having a healthy attitude and outlook is the only way to perform at your optimum. You always have a choice in how to cope with stressful situations in life. The most common negative coping strategy is suppression. Most people who say they are "over it" really aren't. Only YOU can stop yourself. We always try to promote the most positive mental attitude; it's always the most healthy and effective strategy. We wish to see you as a truly "residency ready" Physician. It starts here.
+Q5: "My English is not good. What should I do?"
A5: *First, define what this statement means to you. Often when a student says, "My English is not good", it may mean that they speak English with an accent. If this is the case, just know that this is completely OK. There is nothing wrong with having an accent! Many Americans speak with varying accents. Just be yourself and speak naturally. Don't try too hard to mask your accent using an awkward Americanized "hybrid accent". Your natural accent is nothing to be embarrassed or insecure about. The truth may be that your accent will never change, no matter how long you'll live in the US, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. An accent lends unique character to your persona and you'll have some pride about where you came from. It isn't to say assimilation isn't important, it is; it's just a fine balance.
We find that the vast majority of IMG students are more concerned about how their English sounds if compared to a "typical" American accent. These students are not actually focusing on what really matters. The real emphasis, from the interview perspective, is to make sure that you speak CLEARLY, fluently and that you articulate your communication well. During your Residency Interview Course at STEP2IT, you will receive plenty of fine-tuning that will improve your communication skills.
On the other hand, if your SEP issues are truly more advanced; if there's a struggle for English comprehension, literacy or fluency, this is quite a different issue. This would be beyond the scope of the STEP2IT curriculum and would require much more time and energy than can be covered with such a limited schedule of the course. The realistic expectation is that this kind of changes won't happen overnight. English proficiency at this level can only improve with exclusive practice over time and a lot of exposure to conversational English.
In such cases, we strongly recommend that you take a separate supplemental course to focus specifically on improving English proficiency before taking the STEP2IT Residency Interview Course. The great news is that we can refer you to our affiliate, Articulation LLC, who would be more than happy to help you in this area. Please click here to visit our Clinical Skills Education Network page for the link to their web page.
+Q6: "What is the success rate for STEP2IT?"
A6: *STEP2IT is proud to report that our success rate well above 95% (calculated with about a 2-4% margin of error). Our data is limited by the fact that we are not always able to follow up with each and every student after his/her exam. 95 isn't bad, however, we're always striving for 99%.
How can you be sure our rate is accurate? Just ask any of our past students. The thoroughness and rigorous training our students experience are what makes it believable. The numbers that you see our competitors report are questionable because larger class sizes means less attention for each student. They just seem to throw a random number out there in order to stay competitive with everyone else. The obvious truth is that pass rates are "self published". These calculations can be inaccurate or nearly impossible to prove. So "pass rates" are actually of limited value to a prospective student.
You'll encounter other courses that claim they have a 100% success rate. Think about that for a moment; 100% is only possible if a program has not been in operation too long or they aren't telling you the truth. The bottom-line is that it's always up to the student to perform on exam day. The teacher is not the one taking the exam for you! It all comes down to that one day and that one shot. Even with the very best preparation and efforts, unforeseen things can happen on that day.
As you know, we can't give our patients false reassurance or promises. But what we can do is stay positive and hopeful. It's the same with our students. That being said we are very proud of our student's efforts and the very high pass rate.
+Q7: "Does STEP2IT use SP actors?"
A7: *Being that all class sessions are "one one one" in format, your professor will fulfill a dual role.
Contrary to popular belief SP actors are NOT necessarily an advantage for students in a review course. SPs are trained to follow a defined and rigid script for every student. It's the same case every time for every student. It's a "one size fits all" routine that may not actually address the specific areas that you really need to practice. The advantages in utilizing an SP actor actually tilt in favor of the review course, not you. An SP helps alleviate the professor's multi-tasking responsibilities. A standard protocol at most programs is to use an MD just for an introductory lecture and correct patient notes. Then they have the SPs TEACH you during the entire "patient encounters" portion of the course, instead of a Clinical Professor. If you've figured that this is a cheap way to cut corners, you're right. An SP is cheaper to pay than an MD. Sure, an SP can give you some feedback on CIS to some extent. (maybe) But what about the rest? How will they teach you or how will you correct your mistakes? How will they teach you the proper techniques of Physical Exam? A big philosophy we promote at STEP2IT is to integrating all subjects together. We review the HPI of each case which provides a deep analysis of the ICE portion of the case. Throughout the course your memory will be constantly refreshed regarding basic concepts. We'll be bridging and connecting Step 1/Step 2 CK concepts into the discussion. Clinical medicine spans a very wide breadth of knowledge and skills. You don't want to get guidance from someone who responds that they "aren't too sure about that." Having someone fulfill the dual role of both SP as well as a qualified and experienced professor is actually a HUGE advantage to you. If, for example, you wanted to learn how to fly a plane: Wouldn't you rather be taught by a pilot? You wouldn't go to a carpenter of course!
Here's the other thing to realize: On exam day, who is the one scores everything? (except the patient notes) The SP is! Therefore TEACHING you from the FIRST person perspective is the best place to assess your body language, interpersonal skills and pay attention to the many details that might go missed if your teacher is standing by on the sidelines. Having no SP means that there is no rigid script. This allows for much more latitude and variability. You will experience changing variables that constantly challenge you at every turn. You can't train an SP actor to have that level of versatility. A "Standardized Patient" is exactly that; standardized. Standardized for the purpose of fairness, therefore each examinee gets an equal opportunity. Instead, what works best while you continue to learn and practice is a true "Simulated Patient"; simulated meaning more REALISTIC. This is what will truly challenge your SKILLS. It's part of what makes us different.
All courses are NOT created equal. The teaching staff of many courses out there are not well qualified with the proper background, experience or credentials to teach medical graduates. At STEP2IT we don't leave any portion of the curriculum to chance. A qualified Clinical Professor with an MD degree guides you throughout 100% of every class session.
Keep in mind that there are also some clinical professors out there that are MDs, but have graduated many years ago. No matter their real world experience, the fact is that they have never actually taken the CS exam themselves! Sure, it's one thing to have a wealth of knowledge but it's quite another to have actual practical experience. Wouldn't you rather be guided by someone who has actually experienced the exam first hand?
+Q8: "I prefer a "one on one" course. How can I ensure that I get to take a lot of the simulated patient encounters myself?"
A8: *Great! You're in the right place. ALL class sessions are "one on one". There are no group classes. You'll get 100% attention 100% of the time. You get to take all cases and you'll have unlimited opportunity to ask questions. You also get the freedom to book class on dates that suit your preferences.
+Q9: "How many cases will I be able to practice?"
A9: *On average you'll be able to experience 8-25 cases. That's a broad range because there are a number of variables that influence that number. Your Clinical Professor will determine the pace that suits your class session best because every student is different.
Many courses will "promise" or boast about a specific number of cases that can be covered as a way to attract students. Quantity is not necessarily better than quality. What's the use of doing 30 cases if all the cases seem to be the same, or if the cases don't truly challenge you? Why can't we guarantee that you will experience 30 cases? Because the critique, feedback, and discussion of every case are the vital components of what this course is about. Do the math; time-wise it is mathematically impossible to do that many cases in a day unless you were to do mindless rote cases back to back. That's not a review course, what kind of teaching and learning experience would that be?
We don't place a priority of reaching a specific set number of cases in an attempt to simply take as many cases as possible. Rather the emphasis here, as a review course, is to cover as many variable disciplines and subject areas as possible. This is a better teaching strategy that helps to cover all bases and ensures that you are optimally prepared for what the USMLE requires from you. Every student will experience a thorough review and cases that pertain to all major areas and appropriate disciplines: Constitutional Symptoms, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal System, Hepatobilary System, Genitourinary System, Musculoskeletal System, Neurological System, etc. In larger classes, you won't be actively taking every case yourself, but every student is engaged as an active participant throughout each entire encounter. Each person is always learning, engaged and kept involved in the process.
We always say that "practice" is key in preparing you for this exam. Although that is a priority here, it's not the only priority. TEACHING is also another main priority. If you're looking ONLY to practice cases and nothing else, then this is not the course for you! You can do repetitive practice cases for free with a study partner; you don't need to spend money on a course. You must also realize that you must practice MANY cases after the course and before your exam. THIS study gap is actually the most important phase of preparation for your exam.
The "Mini-mock exam" on the final day ties in all the concepts that you learned over the previous days. This will help truly gauge your performance. The progress you've made since the first day of class will be evident. Our hope is that you'll feel transformed walking out.
+Q10: "What is the ideal time gap that I should allow from taking the exam prep course and my exam date?"
A10: *In our experience, we find that 5-15 days is the optimum review gap for most students. 5-15 days is a broad range, but it's because it all depends on certain factors and circumstances. Everyone is different; therefore some students may need more or less of a gap. We make no assumptions based on your background or experience. It's not possible for us to determine what suits a student's study plan before the course. This advice can only be given after gauging the student's performance during class; the has to prove himself/herself. If you need to make this decision before the course then this will have to be a judgment call on your part.
It should be noted that a prospective student should NOT expect to walk into the exam right after the course. That is an unrealistic expectation of any review course. You will have to PRACTICE after the course and reinforce the concepts that were taught in order to make the methods and strategies effective.
Indeed we've had certain situations in which students have walked straight into the exam the NEXT day after the course. And yes, these students have passed the exam. These were instances where there were extreme circumstances and tight time constraints. Ideally, we advise against going with a high-risk strategy like that whenever possible. You'll require, at the extreme minimum, 3 days time gap for additional review and practice. Taking more time or going with a cautious approach is always better than finding out after your results that you have to repeat the whole process all over again.
If on the other hand, your study gap is more than 3wks, then some of your fresh experience from STEP2IT may begin to fade and evaporate. We advise that you plan your travel itinerary in such a way that it keeps your course date, travel time, study/review gap and exam date all in perspective.
In order to do this it's usually best to "plan backwards". This means to begin working with the dates that are the most inflexible first. Dates such as: ERAS submission dates, NRMP rules, rotation requirements, exam center availability etc. Once you have the long range plan settled, then think about your STEP2IT class dates, flight availability, and accommodations. Since there's more flexibility with this part of the plan it will more easily fit into your timeframe. From what we've observed, students that formulate a smart study plan have always increased the odds of faring well on the exam. Planning carefully always pays off.
The MOST important phase of your exam preparation is actually your "review gap". This is the stage between the last day of the course and your exam date. This is no longer a stage of learning but rather a stage of reinforcement. You're aiming to perfect yourself and this requires repetitive practice over an adequate span of time. Everyone knows that when you take your theory exams that you'd need to spend ample time with QBanks. Sure, it could be possible to pass those exams without QBanks but that would be a huge risk. The risk is high that you'd score low by the borderline or not even pass at all. This is why most people will tell you that QBanks is a "must". And so it's the same with a clinical exam. Not having a review gap for your clinical exam is analogous to not doing QBanks for a theory exam; it just isn't wise. So consider an adequate review gap for your exam as a "must".
+Q11: "Do you offer a exam prep course longer than 18hrs?"
A11: * Yes, we do. In fact, we've even conducted courses spanning 14 days! Contact Us for a tailor-made quote.
+Q12: "Do all hours/days of class have to be taken consecutively? Can class days be separated to allow for my circumstances or to allow review time between classes?"
A12: *No, not all class days have to be taken consecutively and that means yes, this allows for a gap between class days. This is an advantage of our "open scheduling" system.
You can create a study plan that will allow you to take class session for hours/days that are convenient to you. If you are babysitting, in rotations, doing observerships, research or working during the weekdays, this will allow you to take class and study/review in between. We recommend that you not split your class dates further than 2 weeks apart.
This gives you an extra gap to allow you to review and prepare for the next class. Day 1 of class is a very heavy dose of "information overload". Having thorough review after day 1 is highly recommended!
Please be aware; we do require full upfront payment on day 1, for the full course. This has been designed as incentive in order to ensure that our students follow through and finish the course in it's entirety, just as the curriculum has been designed.
+Q13: "What books should I study from for the live prep course?"
A13: *`Clinical exams aren't solely about theory or clinical knowledge. Those subjects are thoroughly tested on the other steps. If you are in fact fresh from taking one of the other steps it is ideal of course, but this isn't an absolute necessity. Many students are entrenched in the habit of trying to soak as much information as they can from thick review books. That strategy is not necessarily the key to passing the exam. You're probably wasting your time and energy in the wrong place. Study smarter, not harder. You probably know more than you think you do. Medical school has already equipped you with the basic tools.
As with all other exam steps, the theme here is similar. It's NOT about WHAT you know. That's too easy, they already know you're smart. It's all about APPLYING what you know in the real world. That's the true test. Does it all translate to the bedside? Books can't teach you common sense. Only experience can.
It's hard to believe, but all you need is just ONE, thin, easy to read, book. It's a popular book that is considered THE authority on the subject of clinical skills. We can't mention it here, but Contact Us and we'll let you in on it.
Be warned that there are limitations and no book is perfect or complete, to say the least. That's where STEP2IT comes in. Everything else that you'll need to know will be taught here. Much of what you'll actually learn here is not covered in any book anywhere.
+Q14: "Do you offer refunds or guarantees?"
A14: *We do not offer refunds for course fees once you have attended a class. Please read our Terms and Regulations regarding refunds of Registration deposits.
We do offer a Guarantee that the other courses don't.
If you're wondering if we offer a 100% guarantee that you'll pass the exam; the answer is - no, we don't. The obvious reason is because we can't. It would be unethical to make such an unrealistic promise. It's actually quite a silly premise if you really think about it. The only way a course could ever guarantee that you would absolutely pass an exam is if your teacher took the exam for you! Obviously, it's ultimately up to YOU in order to perform on your exam day and pass the exam. The role of STEP2IT throughout this process is for guidance, advice, and support. This is also the reason why we don't deserve credit when you receive the "pass" on your score report. It's all YOU! You have to EARN it. And you'll want to! That sense of achievement is invaluable.
Therefore know that if there are other programs out there that offer you "100% guarantees", please pause and think for yourself; is this an expectation that is realistic? Or are these simply just tired old "sales taglines" that have been used in other industries; now being recycled in order to funnel in students based on false promises? It's been a popular notion in the commercial world to offer a customer a 100% guarantee. Consumers tend to almost expect to be covered by it and amazingly don't usually even question it. From it's inception STEP2IT has been built on a strong foundation of ethics and integrity. It means we have to "tell it like it is". It goes without saying that a "100% guarantee" just isn't an applicable concept in the realm of education. Therefore if a course uses such verbiage, it should be a huge red flag to you. They're just trying to "sell to you".
The irony of this is that the actual exam tests YOU for this same concept. The trap of "providing an SP false reassurance" will get you into trouble on the exam. Isn't it funny how the very same people who are supposed to "guide you" might be trying to mislead you in the very same way?
Just for a moment think about a real world situation. Do you think that you'll ever be able to tell a patient that there is a "100% guarantee" that you'll be able to save their life in every circumstance? Of course not, you know that. Because humans are involved, we can't ever be in control of all variables. All one can do is put effort into preparation and minimize risk as much as possible. We should always be cautious with our words. The only promise anyone can make is to put in the very BEST effort. The only hope you can have is that the vast majority of them will make it through. That's the truth.
+Q15: "How do I reschedule or cancel my registration?"
A15: *You must contact us as soon as possible regarding rescheduling or canceling your course date. A minimum of AT LEAST 3 days notice before your class date is required for cancellation.
For more details regarding our cancellation policy please visit our Terms and Regulations page.
+Q16: "I'm an osteopathic student. Can STEP2IT help me prepare for the COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE exam? I thought STEP2IT is a USMLE Step 2 CS Course."
A16: *The COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE is very similar to the USMLE Step 2 CS exam with some minor differences. The Biomedical/biomechanical domain is similar to the ICE component. The Humanistic Domain is similar to the CIS component. The main difference with the COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE versus the USMLE 2 CS is that there is no SEP component. But there is the addition of the OMT component.
Another curious fact about about the COMLEX 2-PE exam is that the pass rate is significantly LOWER than the pass rate for American 4th yr. students that take the USMLE Step 2CS. It's not clear as to why this disparity exists as the students, and the exam itself, present a pretty close "apples to apples" comparison. However be careful to conclude that the COMLEX 2-PE exam is the "harder" exam to pass. Although this is something you may hear from people who haven't passed the exam, there just isn't enough evidence to justify that claim. As a matter of fact we've surveyed many DO candidates that have taken BOTH exams. All of them have reported that both exams are very similar. Therefore the "key take away" is to be well prepared and take the COMLEX 2-PE exam seriously.
The STEP2IT curriculum is equipped to cover all the aspects of the COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE exam. Please be aware that there is just one limitation in taking STEP2IT in that we cannot provide you guidance for the OMT component. This is because we've been trained and qualified as allopathic physicians. Therefore it would be considered unethical to provide you such guidance without a DO qualification.
In all other aspects, STEP2IT is above and beyond the BEST source of guidance for your COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE exam. The reason is because the focus here is not simply to achieve a "pass" on your score report; but to pass your exam with HIGH performance. For more information please Contact Us.
+Q17: "How do I pay for the course?"
A17: *Please visit the Registration page and follow the steps. Please also read our Terms and Regulations page for full details.
+Q18: "I haven't heard much about STEP2IT before. How can I be sure that this course is the right choice for me?"
A18: *Back in 2006, when we first started STEP2IT, there were literally just 5 USMLE Step 2 CS review courses out there. Today, with a search on the web, you'll easily find as many as 20 "courses" out there. As we've noted over the years, many of these so-called "programs" just tend to come and go. Some had even changed their names along the way for obvious reasons. The main reason that you see some programs more visibly on the internet than others is purely by design. Some programs tend to concentrate much more of their effort and finances towards on advertising/marketing, instead of working on their actual teaching skills. Don't be caught up in the facade. The hyped up "fame" that you see on the outside deserves a second look. It doesn't take too long to realize that what you see is not always real.
STEP2IT is considered a "low volume" course because we insist on small class sizes by intentional design. Our target audience is those who seek an exclusive and "bespoke" experience. From the outset we decided that the STEP2IT brand would avoid the "large class" format, although we've had the full resources and facilities available for this option at our disposal. We decided against participating with the "assembly line" philosophy. Although there are large profits to be had with a "large class" format, it clearly demonstrates where our true priorities lie. The fact is that competitors rely on a specific "class quota" in order to remain profitable. This set math is the only way they can cover overhead with rent and staff. This type of enterprise must be driven constantly by the greed of high volume and battle for market share.
The USMLE prep market offers you many options out there. We've always aimed to corner the "high-end" of the market. This is a niche reserved for the discerning student who prefers a more custom tailored approach, thorough guidance and personalized contact. We fully accept that this is not the kind of format that's right for everyone out there. We felt as though there would have been no use in copying the same formula the others have followed; it would just crowd the field. We saw the opportunity to carve out our own niche and offer an option that was unique and not found elsewhere. Please see our Comparison page to see how we've set ourselves apart from the rest of the pack.
Please follow due diligence and research all USMLE courses carefully. They are not all created equally! It's prudent to choose a program that is reputable and has been around for a long time. It's important that the teaching staff is experienced, qualified, talented as well as passionate about medicine, people and teaching. This is the kind of guidance that leads by example.
There are a lot of false, fake claims and boasting that you'll come across on the internet about many courses out there. You'll read good and bad "reviews" that come from all kinds of anonymous sources. Unfortunately, cunning thieves don't have to be too sophisticated to be able to mislead people online. You'd be wise to know that most of these reviews are not reliable. Remember that anyone can claim to be anything they want to be on the internet. How do you know who is behind each of those anonymous profile names that you see on discussion forums? You'd think that people who run USMLE courses have better things to do; but greed just makes them do really strange things. Don't doubt that they'll go to great lengths in order to hook you and reel you in.
The only reliable way in order to assess the true reputation of a course is to get in touch with REAL students who have actually taken the course you are researching. It's that simple. They're the best source to give you a real sense about the good (AND even the bad) of the course. This should be the decisive factor for you.
Any quality review course should stand ready to put you in touch with a decent number of past students that you'll be able to call or email for opinions. This speaks better than anything that the program can tell you for itself. That's why around 20% of our new students are sourced from referrals that come from our past students. Friends telling friends truly is the best advertisement of all!
At the end of the day, remember this. Let no program try to "sell" or pressure you. Go with your intuition and make the choice that you feel most comfortable with. Prevent regret before you make your final decision. Remember; you are the captain of your own ship. You always know what's best for you.
+Q19: "I don't see class dates on the calendar that I want. Is there a way to choose class dates that suit my preferences?"
A19: Yes of course! Another way STEP2IT is unique is that we offer options that allow for "open scheduling". You can choose any open date you see on the calendar. The probability of finding an available spot is higher there if there is at least 7 days notice, but most of the time we are still able to accomodate you. If you see a day that is blank on the calendar, that means YES, that is an available day for you to book!
Please see our Pricing and Terms and Regulations pages for full details.
+Q20: "What are some reasons why people don't pass this exam on the first attempt?"
A20: We have a great blog article on this subject. Please click here to take a look!
+Q21: "Does STEP2IT offer a prep course for the Occupational English Test (OET) Medicine assessment?"
A21: *Sorry, we don't. We've explored the possibility but decided to stick with residency prep programs. The OET Medicine test has been used to assess healthcare workers of all kinds of different educational backgrounds. It’s not an exam specifically oriented towards physicians. In most cases, an extensive investment of time and expense should not be required in order to perform well on this exam. Although there are plenty of 3rd party courses out there for OET Medicine preparation, we highly recommend the Official OET Ready Online Course for Medicine. It’s not only the official prep resource, it’s also the most economical option out there at just $39.99 USD. For more details click here. Practice book also available, click here.
If you don't see your question here, please contact us.